1.Project Description


Token Name: Ripple

Type: Token

Token Symbol: XRP



2.Project Introduction


Ripple (XRP) is an independent digital asset that is native to the Ripple Consensus Ledger. With proven governance and the fastest transaction confirmation of its kind, XRP is said to be the most efficient settlement option for financial institutions and liquidity providers seeking global reach, accessibility and fast settlement finality for interbank flows.



3.Token overview


Total Supply: 99,991,850,794

Circulation: 41,432,141,931

Issue Date: 2011/4/18

Consensus Protocol: RPCA

Private Offering Price:1XRP=$0.031


4.Support links


Official Website: https://ripple.com/

Whitepaper: https://ripple.com/files/ripple_consensus_whitepaper.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ripple
